Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Journey

I know it's not Feb. 1st yet, but wanted to update everyone on my progress. This is week 3 and I feel great! I've been going to the gym 4-5 times a week and really trying my best to eat better. I think that's the hardest part, is the eating. I love food! I've found that I have to totally reprogram my brain to think about food. I'm really thinking about what goes into my body and is it worth it?Okay, I do confess that this past weekend was not a good one (food wise). Fun wise, I had a blast!!! Another thing that has been hard is not beating myself up or giving up if I have a bad day. BUT, even with the bad days I've still seen some changes in my body! And, I have lost about 8 lbs, but more than that I'm looking at inches and they are going down too! It's very exciting! It's going to take a long time to get where I need to be, but I didn't get this way overnight either! I do have a lot more energy and find I have a lot more patience. I also enjoy working out by myself, but it really does help to have a buddy. Lara is my workout buddy and she's on the same path. I'm enjoying my journey and hope everyone else that's doing it is enjoying theirs too!!!

Thanks so Much,

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Me!

Hi, I'm Gwen. I'm the other part of Pink Apple and I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year!!! Now, with a new year comes new resolutions, hopes and dreams. Like so many men and women my goal this year is to get healthy. I've been thinnking long and hard how to hold myself accountable and how to tell my story. So this is what I've come up with....
I'm sick of wearing my fat suit. I'm sick of being tired all the time. I'm sick of not wearing my cute clothes. So, instead of not doing anything about it, I've decided to blog and let the world see me for who I am. I'm fat. I'm ready, I've got that burn in my belly that says, "get up and move your body."
My story is like so many others. My jouney started when I was in 5th grade. Feeling big and sad and like I didn't look like the other girls. Looking back it really wasn't that bad, but I sure didn't feel like that at the time. Struggling with my weight has had its toll on me my whole life. In college it got worse. I put on the freshman 15 (20ish) and made it a goal to lose it and look awesome. It worked, I was the thinest I'd ever been. But I did it the wrong way. And even though many years later I'm much heavier I will never put myself through that again to get thin. I'm going to do it the right way this time. No pills, no quick fixes, no yo-yo diets and no throwing up.
That's my story, just like so many other people. But instead of it getting me down this year, I'm doing something about it. I started working out last week and I'm off to a good start this week too. I'm trying to get the working out part down first, then the eating.
I'm going to take my picture every month and post my progress. I'm going to record my measurements and my weight. I'm going to have some great good weeks and some not so good weeks, but I'm going to get healthy!
And if you want to join in, I would love it. Just send me your story and your picture and I'll post it. Send me your picture every month and updates, how your journey is going, what your doing and we can hold each other accountable.